QAnon—politics and society

Recently Facebook and their subsidiary social media platforms blocked QAnon accounts and other related content. While many of the QAnon believers are not primarily active on these platforms, they are conduits to engaging new adherents. QAnon members interact on other platforms, both mainstream and that are created for right wing “freedom of speech,” in response to social media’s perceived censorship. Adherents also interact within groups on cellphone messaging programs such as Telegram.  

Read the full article on H-Nationalism.

Trump, Television and the Media: From Drama to “Fake News” to Tweetstorms

At the end of October, I will be presenting at the virtual conference Trump, Television and the Media: From Drama to “Fake News” to Tweetstorms, hosted by London Metropolitan University.

My presentation, “Tweets, Conspiracies, Moral Panics and Masks of Freedom,” will analyze and trace the creation of the moral panic that has become the focal point of a battle not against a virus, but representative of the moral divide in a country.